Have you ever feel headache when dealing with the HTML codes and tags? Don't worry, here in WebPage SOS, you can find most of the tags and codes that you need. I will help you with all my knowledge on the HTML codes and tags. If you found that there are some codes or tags missing, please e-mail me and tell me about it. Thank Q!.

        Click on the links below to go to parts that you are interested in HTML. Still, I wish that you could click on all the links. :)


Tags & Codes Basic Miscellaneous Advance
If you want to know what are the tags and codes of HTML, you can get it here. We have most of them here. Hope that they can help you. If you need help on certain codes or tags and you couldn't find them here, e-mail me and I'll try my best to help you.
Tags / Codes Description
Main Tags
<HTML> </HTML> Beginning and ending tags for HTML documents.
<HEAD> </HEAD> Document section head identifiers.
<META> Meta-information (resides within <HEAD> </HEAD> tags).
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="x"> Refreshes current page every x seconds.
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="x"; URL=nextpage.html> Refreshes current page in x seconds and jumps to the URL (nextpage.html).
<META NAME="Keywords"  CONTENT="x"> Communicates the site's keywords to search engines that recognize the <META> tag. Replace the x with your keywords (eg: fun, html help, etc.).
<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="x" Communicates the site's description to search engines that recognize the <META> tag. Replace the x with your descriptions (eg: place where you can learn, etc.).
<TITLE> </TITLE> Identifies the HTML page title (resides within <HEAD> </HEAD> tags).
<BODY> </BODY> Identifies the body, or main section , of the HTML document.
<BODY BACKGROUND="url"> Specifies a tiling background image. Replace the url with the image/background location.
<BODY BGCOLOR="#xxxxxx"> Specifies the page's background color with a hexadecimal value (in other words, #FFFFFF or #000000). Replace the xxxxxx with the hexadecimal value.
<BODY TEXT="#xxxxxx"> Specifies HTML text color within the page. Replace the xxxxxx with the hexadecimal value.
<BODY LINK="#xxxxxx"> Specifies HTML or image border link color within the page. Replace the xxxxxx with the hexadecimal value.
<BODY VLINK="#xxxxxx"> Specifies HTML or visited image border link color within the page. Replace the xxxxxx with the hexadecimal value.
<BODY ALINK="#xxxxxx"> Specifies HTML or image border link color when the link is activated (or clicked on). Replace the xxxxxx with the hexadecimal value.
<BODY MARGINWIDTH="0" MARGINHEIGHT="0"> Sets the left and top margins of the page to 0 in Netscape 4.0+
<BODY LEFTMARGIN="0" TOPMARGIN="0"> Sets the left and top margins of the page to 0 in Internet Explorer.
<BODY ONLOAD="x()"> Specifies the initiation of a Script event x() when the HTML page loads into the browser.
Type Tags
<BASEFONT SIZE="x"> Establishes a default font size from 1-7 (x, default is 3) throughout the HTML page.
<H> </H> Heading from 1-6 (in other words, <H1> </H1>, <H2> </H2>, and so on).
<B> </B> Bold text.
<STRONG> </STRONG> Strong text (similar as bold).
<I> </I> Italic text.
<U> </U> Underlined text.
<STRIKE> </STRIKE> Strikethrough text.
<SUB> </SUB> Subscript text.
<SUP> </SUP> Superscript text.
<TT> </TT> Teletype text (fixed width).
<SMALL> </SMALL> Smaller text.
<BIG> </BIG> Bigger text.
<FONT SIZE="x"> </FONT> Specifies font size from 1-7. Replace x with the size.
<FONT FACE="fontname"> </FONT> Specifies font name (in other words, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial). Replace fontname with the font you want to use.
<FONT COLOR="#xxxxxx"> </FONT> Specifies font color with a hexadecimal value (in other words, #FFFFFF or #000000). Replace the xxxxxx with the hexadecimal value.
Layout Tags
<BLOCKQUOTE> </BLOCKQUOTE> Indents a block of text.
<BR> Inserts line break.
<BR CLEAR=LEFT/ RIGHT/ ALL> Inserts clearing line break.
<CENTER> </CENTER> Centers objects.
<DIV> Divides a page into logical sections.
<DIV ALIGN=LEFT/ CENTER/ RIGHT> Aligns data with DIV section.
<DIV CLASS=classname> Assigns a CLASS to a DIV section.
<HR> Inserts a horizontal rule across the page or within a table data cell.
<HR ALIGN=LEFT/ CENTER/ RIGHT> Insets an aligned horizontal rule.
<HR SIZE=x> Specifies the thickness of the horizontal rule in pixels (x).
<HR WIDTH=x> Specifies the width of the horizontal rule in pixel (x).
<HR NOSHADE> Applies a solid black horizontal rule.
<NOBR> Prevents a line break.
<P> Creates a new paragraph.
<P ALIGN=LEFT/ CENTER/ RIGHT> Aligns paragraph text.
<PRE> </PRE> Preformatted text (includes all spaces and returns).
Link Tags
<A HREF="url"> </A> Links text or image to a url.
<A HREF="url" TARGET="_BLANK"> </A> Links text or image to a url within a brand new browser window.
<A HREF="url" TARGET="framename"> </A> Links text or image to a url within a frame.
<A HREF="url" TARGET="_SELF"> </A> Within frames, links text or image to a url within the frame in which the link was clicked.
<A HREF="url" TARGET="_PARENT"> </A> Within frames, links text or image to a url within the FRAMESET parent of the document.
<A HREF="url" TARGET="_TOP"> </A> Within frames, eliminates FRAMESET parent and links text or image to a url within the same browser window.
Image Tags
<IMG SRC="url"> Displays image at url location.
<IMG SRC="url" ALIGN=TOP/ MIDDLE/ BOTTOM> Aligns image relative to text baseline.
<IMG SRC="url" ALIGN=LEFT/ RIGHT> Aligns image relative to page, table or frame.
<IMG SRC="url" ALT="alt text"> Provides alternate descriptive text for users with non-graphic browsers. Replace alt text with the description.
<IMG SRC="url" USEMAP="#mapname"> Specifies an image map and points to map name. Replace mapname with your map name.
<IMG SRC="url" WIDTH="x" HEIGHT="x"> Specifies image dimensions in pixels (x).
<IMG SRC="url" BORDER="x"> Specifies whether or not to include a border (x) around an image (0 = no, 1 = yes).
<IMG SRC="url" HSPACE="x" VSPACE="x"> Specifies horizontal and vertical spacing in pixels (x).
<IMG LOWSRC="url" SRC="url"> Specifies an initial low-resolution loading of an image is loaded.
<IMG NAME="x" SRC="url"> Names an image for use with JavaScript. Replace x with the image name.
List Tags
<DL> </DL> Begins/ends a definition title.
<DD> </DD> Begins/ends a definition.
<DT> </DT> Begins/ends a definition term.
<OL> </OL> Begins/ends an ordered list.
<OL COMPACT> </OL> Creates a compact ordered list.
<OL TYPE=A/ a/ I/ i/ 1> </OL> Creates an ordered list, specified by type (A for uppercase letters, a for lowercase letters, I for uppercase roman numerals, i for small roman numerals and 1 for numbers - default).
<LI> </LI> Lists item (default bullet when used with <UL> and numbered list when used with <OL>.
<LI TYPE=A/ a/ I/ i/ 1> <LI> Controls the format of a list item.
<UL> </UL> Begins/ends an unordered list.
<UL COMPACT> </UL> Creates a compact unordered list.
<UL TYPE=DISC/ CIRCLE/ SQUARE> </UL> Specifies the bullet style.
Form Tags
<FORM ACTION="url" METHOD=GET/ POST> </FORM> Begins/ends and defines the parameters of a form.
<INPUT TYPE="TEXT/ PASSWORD/ CHECKBOX/ RADIO/ SUBMIT/ RESET/ IMAGE"> Specifies input field as text, password field, check box, radio button, submit button, reset button or visual submit button.
INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN> Specifies a hidden field.
<INPUT NAME="fieldname"> Names a form field.
<INPUT CHECKED> Specifies a selected check box or radio button.
<INPUT SIZE=x> Specifies the field size in characters.
<OPTION> Creates menu options that can be selected on forms.
<OPTION SELECTED="selected"> Specifies a selected option from a menu form.
<OPTION VALUE="value"> Specifies the initial value of a menu option.
<SELECT> </SELECT> Creates a menu in forms.
<SELECT NAME="name"> </SELECT> Identifies the data collected by the menu.
<SELECT MULTIPLE> </SELECT> Specifies more than one option in the menu.
<SELECT SIZE="x"> </SELECT> Specifies the number of items visible in the menu (x).
<TEXTAREA ROWS=x COLS=y> </TEXTAREA> Creates an input box with the height dimension (x) in ROWS and the width dimension (y) in COLS.
<TEXTAREA NAME="name"> </TEXTAREA> Identifies the input box.
<TEXTAREA WRAP> </TEXTAREA> Specifies automatic text wrap in TEXTAREA.
Table Tags
<TABLE> </TABLE> Begins/ends table.
<TABLE BORDER="x"> Specifies whether table borders are on (1) or off (0).
<TABLE CELLSPACING="x"> Defines spacing between cells in pixels (x).
 <TABLE CELLPADDING="x"> Defines thickness of table cell borders in pixels (x).
<TABLE WIDTH="x"> Specifies table width in pixels (x).
<TABLE WIDTH="x%"> Specifies table width in percentage (relative to the browser page width).
<TR> </TR> Defines table row.
<TR ALIGN="LEFT/ CENTER/ RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP/ MIDDLE/ BOTTOM"> Specifies table row content harizontal and vertical alignment.
<TD> </TD> Defines table data cell (appears within table rows).
<TD ALIGN="LEFT/ CENTER/ RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP/ MIDDLE/ BOTTOM"> Specifies table data cell content horizontal and vertical alignment.
<TD NOWRAP> Specifies no linebreaks within table data cell.
<TD COLSPAN="x"> Specifies number of columns (x) for a table data cell to span horizontally across.
<TD ROWSPAN="x"> Specifies number of rows (x) for a table data cell to span vertically down.
<TD WIDTH="x"> Specifies table data cell width in pixels (x).
<TD WIDTH="x%"> Specifies table data cell width in percentage (relative to the table size).
<TH> </TH> Defines table header.
<TH ALIGN="LEFT/ CENTER/ RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP/ MIDDLE/ BOTTOM"> Specifies horizontal and vertical alignment within table header cell.
<TH NOWRAP> Specifies no linebreaks within table header cell.
<TH COLSPAN="x"> Specifies number of columns (x) for a table header cell to span horizontally across.
<TH ROWSPAN="x"> Specifies number of rows (x) for a table header cell to span vertically down.
<TH WIDTH="x"> Specifies table header cell width in pixels (x).
 <TH WIDTH="x%"> Specifies table header cell width in percentage (relative to the table size).
<CAPTION ALIGN="TOP/ BOTTOM"> </CAPTION> Defines table caption.
Frameset Tags
<FRAMESET> </FRAMESET> Resides in the HTML page header and defines the frame elements.
<FRAMESET COLS="x,x"> Defines frames in columns, defined by widths in pixels or percentages (x).
<FRAMESET ROWS="x,x"> Defines frames in rows, defined by heights in pixels (x).
<FRAMESET BORDER="0/ 1/ 2/ 3/ etc."> Specifies the thickness of frame borders: on (1, 2, 3, and so on) or off (0).
<FRAMESET FRAMESPACING="1/ 0"> Defines spacing between frames: on (1) or off (0).
<FRAMESET FRAMEBORDER="1/ 0"> Defines visibility (1) or invisibility (0) of frame borders.
Frame Tags
<FRAME SRC="url"> Specifies url to be loaded into the frame.
<FRAME ALIGN="LEFT/ CENTER/ RIGHT"> Defines alignment of items within the frame.
<FRAME FRAMEBORDER="1/ 0"> Specifies whether to display (1) or hide (0) frame borders.
<FRAME BORDERCOLOR="#xxxxxx"> Determines the border color (only if specified) for the frame.
<FRAME FRAMESPACING="0/ 1/ 2/ 3/ etc."> Specifies space (if any) added between frames.
<FRAME NAME="name"> Names the frame for future targetting.
<FRAME NORESIZE> Prevents viewers from resizing the frame.
<FRAME MARGINWIDTH="x" MARGINHEIGHT="x"> Specifies the width (x) and height (x) of invisible margins within frames.
<FRAME SCROLLING="0/ 1/ AUTO"> Determines whether (1) or not (0) the frame will scroll. AUTO forces the browser to detect whether scrolling is neccessary and add scrollbars accordingly.
Multimedia Tags
<APPLET="url" HEIGHT="x" WIDTH="x"> <IMG SRC="allternate image.gif" HEIGHT="x" WIDTH="x"> </APPLET> Defines a Java applet and points to a url, specifying width and height attributes. For Java disabled browsers, an alternate image is pointed to within the <APPLET> tags.
<OBJECT CODETYPE="x" CLASSID="url" WIDTH="x" HEIGHT="x"> <IMG SRC="alternate image.gif" HEIGHT="x" WIDTH="x"> </OBJECT> HTML 4.0 standard for defining a multimedia object (sound, movie and so on). As with the preceding description, an alternate GIF <IMG> tag may be used within <OBJECT> tags for browsers without specific plug-ins.
<EMBED SRC="url" WIDTH="x" HEIGHT="x"> <NOEMBED> Your browser does not have the required plug-in! </NOEMBED> </EMBED> Netscape 3.0+ friendly (but not HTML 4.0 standard) method for embedding sounds, movies and plug-ins, including a <NOEMBED> alternative for those lacking the capability to display the sound, movie or other plug-in.